The Surgical Company acquires majority in Axess Vision Technologies
Axess Vision Technology, based in Tours France, develops, produces and exports disposable endoscopes used in the field of bronchoscopy during and after surgery. The Axess technology platform also allows to develop future generations of scopes for urology, gynaecology, general surgery and other fields of applications.
Every disposable endoscope provides a bright and precise image and avoids the problems associated with the use of reusable endoscopes, such as the risk of cross infections, the need for using cleaning and sterilization products and the high investment and repair costs involved.
In April 2017 Axess entered in suspension of payments as its shareholder were not able and willing to provide further financing. As part of the reorganization they approached TSC’s subsidiary Sebac to take over the sale and distribution of the products in France. After an initial orientation Sebac’s management recognized the potential of the Axess products and technology.
The Surgical Company, headquartered in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, has two divisions, active in the distribution of innovative medical devices and supplies and in the development, production and marketing & sales of proprietary advanced technological products for hospitals. The product division of TSC has the relevant skills to develop, produce, market and sell new technologies on a global scale via the clinical proof of the value benefits. The acquisition of Axess adds a fourth business line and platform to the product division.
TSC engaged Strategique and its Globalscope partner Atout Capital in Paris to advise them on the complex situation of Axess in suspension of payment, quarrelling shareholders and ongoing business. During the acquisition process TSC kept Axess alive with orders and financing and Atout managed to get the shareholders lined up to give up the majority in the meantime.