We are Entrepeneurs
As an owner-operated corporate finance consultancy firm, we provide support to businesses and enterprises from the shareholder value perpsective. We have operational business experience and understand your objectives.
Diversity of clients
Unique combination of management consulting and corporate finance services appeals to a very diverse client mix. We work for a large number of multinationals, mediumsized companies, investors and private equity firms both in the Netherlands and abroad.
International presence
Stratégique, previous IMCG, is one of the founding members of Globalscope, the international M&A network existing since 1987, present in more than 25 countries spread over all continents. More than half of our engagements and transactions are cross border with an international scope.
Career opportunities
Working with Strategique is demanding and rewarding. We provide extensive training on the job, in house and at the best business schools in Europe and the USA. And working with Strategique is also fun: in our off-site sessions we mix work and adventure.